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Wir Kämpften auf der Krim 1941/42 Kertsch-Sewastopol
Luftwaffe Generals, Freiherr von Richthofen, Nazi Knights Crosses
Wir Kämpften auf der Krim 1941/42, Luftflotte 4.
WW2 map attack Crimea
Luftwaffe Officer oilot

Wir Kämpften auf der Krim 1941/42 (We Fought in the Crimea) is one of three very large and very heavily illustrated Luftwaffe Unit Histories. We also have Wir Kämpften auf dem Balkan (We Battled through the Balkans) for sale on another USMBOOKS web page at the moment.

The IV. Luftflotte of Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring’s German Air Force was under the command of General der Flieger Freiherr von Richthofen and was one of the first units called to action to engineer the conquest of the Crimean Peninsula. In a lighting-like campaign the unit was called to action and headed south-east from Germany in the direction of Kerch peninsula and Sebastopol, deep in the Soviet Union.
Nazi tanks
This 8-3/8 x 12 inch embossed hardcover book with unnumbered pages (probably 200 to 250) is very largely a photo study of the campaign featuring mostly full-page and half-page pictures of every sort of equipment from aircraft to tanks, all sorts of Luftwaffe troops from dive bomber, heavy bomber and fighter squadrons to communications, destroyers, transport, storm troops, battle damage, etc.
Nazi Kubelwagen
Luftwaffe artillery troops
Luftwaffe airplane attacks in WW2, Luftwaffe Flugzeuge
Aryan girls
Krimschild, Krim Shield
This rare 82 year old example of Wir Kämpften auf der Krim 1941/42 Kertsch-Sewastopol is in very nice condition, as is the silver blocking on the front cover and spine. No odor.
A printed notice inside the front cover states that the book is for members of the Luftflotte IV only and not intended for wider distribution. It was produced for Luftflotte 4 by Leutnant Hans Günther Göbel and Leutnant Ludwig Wiedemann, probably in 1942 (the book is undated) and was printed by Dr. Güntz-Druck in Dresden.

Have a look at our other original Third Reich aviation publications
for sale on  We are happy to combine shipping of multiple purchases!

This fine Luftwaffe IV. Luftflotte in the Crimea book is ** SOLD **
USM book #421

   • IF you prefer faster and safer Priority Mail shipping with USPS Tracking add $9.95.
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     responsible for any VAT payments, import duties & customs clearing fees. Please inquire.
Interspersed in the wonderful black & white images are 22 watercolor pictures by Kriegsberichter Kurt Stender of the landscape and people in the area of the battle. There are full-page portraits of Nazi Aviation Minister Göring and General von Richthofen. A great many of these photos not found in other books on the campaign, including several of General von Richthofen in the field during the campaign.


USM Rare Books & Third Reich collectibles