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Wir Kämpften auf dem Balkan (We Battled through the Balkans) is one of three very large and very heavily illustrated Luftwaffe Unit Histories. We also have Wir Kämpften auf der Krim (We Fought in the Crimea) for sale on another USMBOOKS web page at the moment.

VIII. Fliegerkorps (Luftwaffe 8th Air Corps) photo history Balkans in WW2
Wir Kämpften auf dem Balkan, VIII. Fliegerkorps, 1942
The VIII. Fliegerkorps (German 8th Air Corps) of Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring’s Luftwaffe was under the command of General der Flieger Freiherr von Richthofen and was one of the first units called to action to engineer the conquest of the Balkan countries and Greece. In a lighting-like campaign the unit was called to action and headed south-east from Germany to eject British Forces and disarm partisans across Yugoslavia, Rumania, Albania, Bulgaria and Greece, including Crete.
published for members of the VIII. Fliegerkorps
Luftwaffe air field in the Balkans during WW2
General der Flieger Freiherr von Richthofen
Luftwaffe General Herbert Rieckhoff
Nazi paratroopers, Fallschirmjaeger Kreta, British POWs
This example of Wir Kämpften auf dem Balkan is complete and in very good used condition. It has a tight spine and no odor. The rare original 82 year old paper dust jacket shows considerable wear (obvious in the picture shown near the top of this USMBOOKS web page).
Members of the VIII. Fliegerkorps who died during the campaign for a Free and Strong Germany
Wir Kämpften auf dem Balkan, VIII. Fliegerkorps 1942
Luftwaffe Officer, Luftwaffe field guns
This 8-3/8 x 12 inch embossed hardcover book with unnumbered pages (probably 250 to 300) is very largely a photo study of the campaign featuring mostly full-page and half-page pictures of every sort of equipment from aircraft to tanks, all sorts of troops from armor and artillery to pilots, air crews and the famous German Fallschirmjäger or parachutists. The wonderful black & white pictures are interspersed with around two dozen full-color photos of various aspects of the campaign. It also has full-page portraits of Nazi Air Minister Göring and General von Richthofen.
Nazi troops in the Balkans during WW2
Luftwaffe pilots, Luftwaffe field gear
Wir Kämpften auf dem Balkan, VIII. Fliegerkorps, 1942
Nazi victory parade in Athens, Greece
This rare World War II book was produced for the VIII. Fliegerkorps by Hauptmann W. Freiherr v. Heintze of the Luftwaffen-Kriegsberichter-Kompanie (mot.) 8, probably in 1942 (the book is undated) and was printed by Dr. Güntz-Druck in Dresden.

Shown below is the notice printed opposite the title page stating that the book is for members of the VIII. Fliegerkorps and not intended for wider distribution.
A great many of the photos are not found in any other history of the campaign. The color photos are indexed in the back of this oversized book (captions and war correspondent photographer). Members of the VIII. Fliegerkorps who died during the campaign for a “Free and Strong Germany” are listed in the back of the book as well

Have a look at our other original Third Reich aviation publications
for sale on  We are happy to combine shipping of multiple purchases!

This rare Luftwaffe VIII. Fliegerkorps in the Balkans book is ** SOLD **
USM book #420

   • IF you prefer faster and safer Priority Mail shipping with USPS Tracking add $9.95.
   • IF you wish to purchase highly recommended, but optional insurance, add $4.50.
   • We will be happy to ship abroad at additional cost, however foreign customers are
     responsible for any VAT payments, import duties & customs clearing fees. Please inquire.
Luftwaffe color photos, WW2 plane wrecks


USM Rare Books & Third Reich collectibles