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This rare World War II Nazi foreign laborer ID is for sale for $39.95
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Arbeitskarte für ausländische Arbeitskräfte
Stjepan Kranjcevic from Croatia
The Arbeitskarte offered for sale on this USMBOOKS web page is an absolutely original Nazi era ID called Arbeitskarte für ausländische Arbeitskräfte or Labor Card for Foreign Workers. It was issued to a man from Otocac, Croatia called Stjepan Kranjcevic. Kranjcevic was a manual laborer for Universale Bauunternehmen Steyr, a company that was part of the war effort at the Steyr-Werke in Gau Oberdonau, the area where Adolf Hitler was born. The company is still in business today.
Inside, page 2 contains the necessary information on Stjepan Kranjcevic (nationality, year of birth 1907, employer in the Third Reich, etc.) which has the eagle and swastika rubber stamp of the Arbeitsamt of Steyr. This gray information sheet inside also states that Kranjcevic does not speak German.

Page 3 has the rules about the validity of these Arbeitskarte für ausländische Arbeitskräfte in 13 different languages, from German to French, Italian, Dutch, Czech, Polish, Russian, and several other Slavic languages. Page 4 is empty.

This document measures 5-3/4 x 8-1/4 inch (DIN A 4/5) and was valid from 22 January 1942 until 21 January 1943. It is rare, absolutely original to the Third Reich period and in good used condition.
Most collectors of Third Reich Ausweise or identity documents are aware of Nazi employment records called the Arbeitsbuch, and others issued to foreigners working in Nazi Germany, but this is yet another type issued later in the war as the German labor pool disappeared into the Wehrmacht.



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